1. Using the Competencies Checklist template, start by filling in the names of each of your eco-innovation team members, including yourself.
2. Review the list of competencies, skills and knowledge areas shown in the first column and add any other ones that you feel are important for your situation – indicate if they are ‘essential’ or ‘beneficial’.
3. Go through each team member and put a tick in the cell for the competences, skills and knowledge that they can provide (you may need to discuss this with them to ensure accuracy).
4. Once you have completed the checklist for each of your team members, review the checklist and look for competency gaps. In particular, focus on the competencies, skills and knowledge areas that you consider to be ‘Essential’. Ideally you should have two members of staff available for each of the essential competencies.
5. Where you have identified competency gaps, think about the best way to fill those gaps. Indicate how you will do this by putting a tick in the relevant solution column. Then add further details in the ‘Comments on solution proposed’ cell about your plan to fill this gap; such as who will be involved, which external partners will be involved (if any), how much training will cost, schedule for filling the gap, etc.
6. Review this checklist before completing the PREPARE phase to ensure that your plans have been executed and that all ‘essential’ competencies have been filled.