Try to identify issues or trends that are or could have an impact on your target value chain using the PESTEL prompts table provided on the right.
Capture the issues and trends you have identified in the PESTEL template provided.
Capture details of the information source or an illustrative example of the trend, as this will be useful to provide credibility to your analysis when pitching to prospective companies.
For each issue that you have identified estimate:
- Impact–What level of impact could the issue have on the value chain? Use a scale from 1-5 where: 1= Potential to create limited change within a limited part of the value chain, and 5 = Potential to revolutionise or destroy the entire value chain.
- Likelihood–How likely is it that the issue will have an impact on the value chain? Use a scale where: 1= Very unlikely, 5= Very likely.
- Time scale – When will the issue will start to have an impact on the value chain? Indicate the expected timescale using the categories of: ‘Within 6 months’, ‘Within 2 years’, or ‘More than 2 years’ time’.
Decide which of the issues are ‘significant’ for the value chain by:
- Calculating the significance score, where Significance = Impact x Probability.
- Decide what score to use as the threshold for significance -9 is suggested.
- Review the table and highlight any issues that have a significance score greater than or equal to the significance threshold.
Finally, categorise the significant issues as either ‘opportunities’ (is- sues that might have a positive impact on the value chain) or ‘threats’ (issues that might have a negative impact on the value chain).