BM.3 Gather additional data on operational performance



The aim of this activity is to gather detailed and quantified data about key areas of the company’s operational performance to support the business model innovation and evaluation activities.


• Operational strengths and weaknesses identified during the step Preliminary Assessment from the activity ST.7 Do a SWOT analysis.

• Data Gathering Checklist from the activity BM.1 Update the data gathering strategy


Detailed and quantified data concerning key areas of the business model used throughout the rest of the SET BUSINESS MODEL phase.




Refer back to the Data Gathering Update template to remind yourself of which of the types of data mentioned in the templates you need to gather.


The simplified Life Cycle Thinking template provided here gives suggestions for the types of operational performance data that you might want to collect. Use this in combination with the Data Gathering Checklist to select the types of data you will collect.


Create a more detailed plan of how and when you will collect the different data types and review this with the Focal Point.


Once you have completed the data collection activities you should analyse the data and prepare the results of your analysis in a short report – integrating the results of the BM.2 Gather additional data on the business model activity. You can present this the report to the company as an intermediary deliverable to help maintain the interest and engagement as you get ready to start generating alternative business model concepts.

— Success story from Malaysia

A Blueprint for Success – Accel of Malaysia

In a global printing market worth $850 billion, producers of… >> read more.