Begin by providing a brief reminder of the business strategy and business model.
Describe the benefits of implementing the proposed strategy and business model, providing as much detail as you can about the economic, environmental and social benefits. You might also want to remind the senior management team of the risks of taking a business as usual approach by highlighting some of the sustainability hotspots and the threat they pose to the company.
Provide an overview of the roadmap for implementation that you have generated.
Describe in more detail some of the early projects on the roadmap, including the likely costs and payback period if available.
Introduce the value chain partners that will be involved in the implementation activities and how you both benefit from the partnership. If you have already met with the partner describe the level of agreement you have reached concerning how the project will work.
Finish by providing an overview of the on-going services that you can o er to support the implementation activities.
The output of the meeting is likely to be one of the following decisions:
Agree to proceed – Well done! Proceed to the IMPLEMENTATION phase.
Request for more information – if there are unanswered queries following the presentation you may be required to go back
to some of the earlier steps to fill in missing details or identify evidence in support of key assumptions. It is important to agree a timescale for the next review in order to avoid the project stalling.
Pause – there may be many reasons why the company might not feel ready to proceed with the project. Try to determine exactly what it is about their current situation that is making them reluctant to proceed. Try to identify ways that you can help the company to get to a position where they would be ready to begin the project.
Abandon – at this stage it is unlikely the company will abandon eco-innovation entirely but it may be that another idea is now preferred. Try to investigate what has caused this change of preference before deciding how to proceed.